FAQ about using Natalie as your Mortgage Broker

Why should I use a Mortgage Broker rather than going straight to the bank?

As a mortgage broker I have a range of lenders available & your best interests at heart. You don’t need to do the running around to find the best deal because that’s what I am here for. If you are looking for personalised service, a large panel of options and a faster path to your finance objectives. Look no further - you need to work with a mortgage broker.

What do you do for me as the client?

Firstly, I work with you to understand your needs and your goals (are you purchasing a home? Expanding your business? Do you require new plant and equipment? and the list goes on). Secondly, through information you provide we will find out your borrowing power. I will explain how any one of the variety of loans you need for your purchase actually work, the different options out there, and the fees involved with each. After our initial chat I then get to work behind the scenes looking to find the best options to suit your goals and your situation. Finally, I manage the loan application process for you. Another perk of using a mortgage broker is that you have only one contact throughout this process, any questions just call! Thats exactly what I am here for.

Do you charge any fees to explore my home loan or refinancing options?

No, my service in completely free! How am I paid you ask? I am paid by the lender in the form of a commission. Each commission varies and I will be totally transparent about this. So not only can I get you the best deal at no cost to you but most people find using a mortgage broker is a much more convenient and exponentially less stressful process then going it alone.

How do I know if I am getting a home loan that is best suited to me?

Thats the best part, I don’t tell you what to do - you are an active participant in the process. I will go over exactly what I feel best suits your goals & objectives and we openly discuss why I am presenting the panel of options to you. Communication is key, I want you to know exactly what you are getting so you feel confident in your purchase.

When you say ‘goals & objectives’ what exactly are you talking about?

When you want to get finance, for example “I am a first home buyer and I really need finance”, in order to get you the finance that you need we also need to go over what you want from your loan.

Some example of questions or items you can think about are:

  • Do you want an offset account where you have access to your savings but they also help to diminish your interest paid?

  • Do you want a redraw facility?

  • Would you prefer a fixed rate for certainty?

  • Are you happy for a variable rate to make some risk free additional payments?

  • Are you planning on children in the future and would like a loan where you can freeze payments for maternity leave?

There are so many more questions, when I know exactly what you need I get to find the right product for you!

I’m self employed can I get a loan?

Low documentation loans are perfect for self employed borrowers who might not have their financials up to date. So don’t be deterred low doc loans provide flexible financing solutions for self-employed people.

I’m not sure what my credit history is like, can you still help?

Absolutely, as I have mentioned we have a range of lenders available. This includes some non traditional banks where they can be more flexible within their lending criteria.

I want to refinance and renovate, what are my options?

This really depends on your personal situation, do you have equity in your current loan that could be accessed? Refinance, redraw, personal loan - plenty of options.